Citrus Fruit Compound Naringenin Could Prevent PKD Cysts

A team of scientists in England has found that naringenin, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound in grapefruit, oranges and tomatoes, could be the basis for a promising new treatment for polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Using a single-celled amoeba, they found that naringenin inhibits PKD cysts by regulating levels of the PKD2 protein (also known as … Continue reading Citrus Fruit Compound Naringenin Could Prevent PKD Cysts

Hormones from Bone Marrow Stem Cells May One Day Treat Kidney Disease

Scientists from St. Michael’s Hospital in Canada have found that hormones secreted from bone marrow stem cells may be beneficial in treating chronic kidney disease and heart failure.  These unidentified hormones have healing effects similar to adult stem cells, but present a safer alternative, given that stem cells can sometimes cause tumors to grow. Because … Continue reading Hormones from Bone Marrow Stem Cells May One Day Treat Kidney Disease