Richard J. Glassock, M.D., M.A.C.P., F.R.C.P. (UK), F.A.S.N., is one of the most eminent physicians in the field of nephrology and Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles. Glassock received his Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (summa cum laude) in 1956 at the University of Arizona, Tucson. He then attended Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, NC, in 1956–57. Glassock received his M.D. with highest honors from UCLA in 1960. After interning at UCLA, he held a fellowship in nephrology at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston as well as research fellowships at Harvard and Scripps Clinic. Glassock is certified in internal medicine and nephrology as a physician and surgeon. He has received numerous honors and awards and has published over 750 original papers in peer reviewed Journal, Books, Monograph, Book Chapter.
Glassock was born February 4, 1934, in San Bernardino, CA, and is married to Jo-Anne. They have four children: Ellen, Scott, Sharon, and Mark.
Positions Held
UCLA School of Medicine
• Assistant Professor of Medicine, 1967–1971
• Associate Professor of Medicine, 1971–1975
• Professor of Medicine, 1975–1993
• Professor Emeritus, 1994–present
Chief, Division of Nephrology and Hypertensions – Harbor-UCLA Medical Center – 1967-1980
Chair, Department of Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, 1980–1992
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
• Professor of Medicine, 1992–1999 (retired)
• Chair, Department of Internal Medicine, 1992–1999 (retired)
Editor-in-Chief, NephSAP, American Society of Nephrology, 1999–present
• Novartis
• Omeros
• BioCryst
• Alexion
• Otsuka
• Ionis
• Horizon
• Equillium
• Aurinia
• RenaSight
• River3Renal
• Therini Bio
• Arrowhead
• Chinook
• Vera
• Midornid
Consultant to National Institutes of Health 2005-present
Editor-In-Chief- Nephrology Section UpToDate – 2001-present
Associate Editor- American Journal of Nephrology – 2010-present
State of California Department of Public Health, 1970–1975
California Committee on Regional Medical Programs
• Chairman, Regional Kidney Disease Program Committee, 1971–1974
• Crippled Children’s Services Panel on Internal Medicine, 1970–1972
• Consultant and Member, Technical Review Panel for Kidney Disease Program, 1970–1975
Site Visit Consultant, Regional Renal Dialysis Centers Committee, Renal Dialysis Center Certification, Department of Health, Education and Welfare Bureau of Quality Assurance, Medical Information System, 1973–1975
End Stage Renal Disease Program Network #4
• Acting Chairman, 1976–1977
• Member, Board of Directors, 1977–1981
Consultant, Career Development Program, Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C., 1979–1980
Member, Pathology Study Section A, National Institutes of Health, 1980–1984
Member, Advisory Committee, California Diabetes Program
Consultant, National Health and Medical Research Council, Commonwealth of Australia
Member, National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Advisory Board, 1986–1990
American Board of Internal Medicine
• Associate Member, Subspecialty Board on Nephrology, 1980–1986 (Chairman, 1985–1986)
• Member, Board of Governors, 1986–1989 (Executive Committee, 1987–1991)
• Chairman-Elect, 1989–1990
• Chairman, 1990–1991
• Member, Advisory Board, 1990–1992
• Member, Self-Evaluation Process Test Writing Committee, Nephrology, 1992–1995
Chairman, Intersociety Council for Research of Kidney and Urinary Tract, 1990–1992
Chair, Steering and Planning Committee, NIH/NIDDK Kidney Disease and Hypertension in Blacks Study, 1992
Member, Residency Review Committee for Internal Medicine, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, 1992–1998 (Chairman, 1997–1998)
Chairman, Steering Committee and Executive Committee, National Study of Hypertension and Kidney Disease in African Americans, NIH, 1992–1997
Member, Residency Review Committee for Internal Medicine, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, 1992–1998
Association of Professors of Medicine
• Chairman, Education Committee,1995
• Member, Board of Directors, 1995–1999
• Councilor, 1997–1999
Vice-Chair, Council of Chairs, ACGME, 1997
Editor, Nephrology Self-Assessment Program, American Society of Nephrology, 1999–present
Vice-Chairman, Global Medical Advisory Board, Renal Therapy Services, BaxterHealthcare, 1993–2004
Member, Board of Directors, Rotary Club of Laguna Niguel, 2002–2004 (Vice-President, 2004)
Member, Board of Directors, Los Angeles Biomedical Institute, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, 2001–2019
Member, Medical Advisory Board, American Renal Associates, 2004-2018
Medical Society Memberships
Alpha Omega Alpha
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Society for Artificial Internal Organs
American Society of Hypertension
American Society of Nephrology (council member, 1978–1984) (president 1983–1984)
Association of American Physicians (elected 1985)
IXth International Congress of Nephrology (Secretary-General 1984)
Italian Society of Nephrology, honorary member, 1990
Israel Society of Nephrology, honorary member, 1984
Kidney Foundation of Southern California (Chairman, Scientific Advisory Council, 1971–1973)
Los Angeles Society of Internal Medicine
Los Angeles Transplantation Society (founder and president, 1968–1969)
National Kidney Foundation President- 1985-1986
The Transplantation Society (charter member)
Principal Investigator – National Institutes of Health 1967-1986
Honors and Awards
1st Annual Uremia Award co-recipient (with Thomas Starzl, M.D.), 1983
Distinguished Service Award, National Kidney Foundation, 1984
Presidents Award, National Kidney Foundation, 1986
Honorary Professor, Beijing Medical College, 1987
UCLA Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, 1989
Dominic Cotungo Gold Medal, 1990
David M. Hume Memorial Award, National Kidney Foundation, 1990
Best Doctors in America, 1990–2003
Kentucky Laureate Award, American College of Physicians, 1995
Mastership, American College of Physicians, 1998
Fellow Royal College of Physicians (UK)-2021
Torchbearer Award, American Kidney Fund, 1997
Distinguished Service Award, Association of Professors of Medicine, 1999
Founders Award, Association of Program Directors of Internal Medicine, 2000
UKRO Award for Outstanding Achievement in Nephrology, 2005
Robert Narins Award for Educational Excellence, American Society of Nephrology, 2008
Lectures and Visiting Professorships
Actualitie Nephrologie, Milan, Italy, 1987
Akron Medical Center, Medical College of Ohio (Toledo), 1989
Armed Forces University Medical School
Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology Distinguished Lecturer (2nd and 3rd)
Bari Seminars in Nephrology, 1988, 1990
Baylor University Medical Center
Beijing Medical College
Ben Gurion University, Dozor Visiting Professor, 1986
Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Creighton University, Omaha, NE, James F. Sullivan Lecturer and Visiting Professor, 1997
Downstate Medical Center
Duke University, Roscoe Robinson Lecturer
Florida Society of Nephrology
Ft. Sam Houston/Brooke Army Medical Center
Guy’s Hospital (London)
Hahnemann Medical College
Hammersmith Hospital (London)
Harvard University and Brigham and Womens Hospital;
Heidelberg University
Hospital Tenon (Paris)
International Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting, Dominick Gentile Memorial Lecture, Nashville, TN, March 1999
International Society of Nephrology (Russia, Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Bangladesh, Argentina), COMGAN Lecturer, 1996–2002
Italian Society of Nephrology, 1990
Japanese Society of Nephrology Distinguished Lecture, 2002
Maine Medical Center
Maine Nephrology Society
Mayo Clinic, Davis Visiting Professor; Visiting Lecturer, 2003, 2017
McGill University
Melbourne University
Mexican Society of Nephrology
National Kidney Foundation of Singapore
National Kidney Foundation, Shaul Massry Lecture, 2000
New York University, William Goldring Lecturer
Ospedale Maggiore, Institute of Nephrology,1990
Philippine Society of Nephrology
South African Nephrology Society
South American Society of Nephrology
Stanford University
Takeda Lecture, Japan, 2002
Temple University
Texas Medical Association/Renal Physicians Association
Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Tulane University, Visiting Professor, 2003
Turkish Society of Nephrology, Distinguished Lecturer, 2004
UCLA School of Medicine, Max Martin Salick Visiting Professor, 1994
University of Arizona
University of Bologna, Malphigi Lecture, 1987
University of British Columbia, Gordon Falkner Lecturer
University of California at San Francisco
University of California, San Diego (1989)
University of Caracas, Venezuela (1982)
University of Colorado, Honorary Lecturer, 1997; Schrier Visiting Professor, 2023
University of Illinois
University of Leiden, Boorhave Lecturer
University of Louisville Health Science Center, John Walker Moore Lecturer and Visiting Professor, 1997
University of Massachusetts
University of Miami, John Robinson Lecturer
University of Michigan
University of Nebraska
University of Ottawa
University of Pennsylvania, Thomas Murray Memorial Lecture, 1990
University of Texas, Galveston, McLaughlin Lecturer and Visiting Professor
University of Texas, San Antonio
University of Texas, Southwestern, Dallas
University of Toronto, Lance Lipton Lecturer
University of Ulm (West Germany)
University of Utah
University of Virginia
University of Washington, Seattle, 1988
USC School of Medicine
Vanderbilt University, Paul Teschan Visiting Professor and Lecturer; Geral Shulman Visiting Professor Lecturer
Walter Reed Medical Center
Wayne State University, National Kidney Foundation Lecture, AOA Lecturer, 1990
Yale University
Editorial Boards
Kidney International, 1975–1977, 1977–1979, 1980–1982, 1982–1984, 1984–1986, 1986–1988
Contemporary Nephrology, 1980–1986
Seminars in Nephrology, 1980, 1998
Kidney Disease series, Marcel Dekker Publishers, 1980–1988
Associate Editor, American Journal of Nephrology, 1981–1984
Consulting Editor, American Journal of Medicine, 1980–1988
Primary Cardiology, 1984–1988, 1990–1995
Nephrology News and Issues, 1988
Medicine, 1990–2000
Current Practice of Medicine, 1992–1998
Journal of Nephrology, 1998–present
Best Practice of Medicine, Praxis Publications, 2000–2002
Editor, NephSAP, American Society of Nephrology, 1999–2018
Associate Editor- America Journal of Nephrology- 2014- present
Scientific World, 2002–present
Editorial Reviewer
Annals of Internal Medicine, 1970–present
Kidney International, 1970–present
Laboratory Investigation, 1970–1985
Nephron, 1970–1985
American Journal of Medicine, 1975–2000
American Journal of Nephrology, 1975–present
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1975–present
New England Journal of Medicine, 1975–present
American Journal of Kidney Disease, 1980–present
The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 1990–1995
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 1990–present
Clinical Nephrology, 1999–present
Audio-Visual Activities
• Audio-Digest Foundation: Glassock RJ, Goldberg M, Maher JF: Drug-induced Renal Disease. Internal Medicine, Volume 24, Number 17, September 1, 1977
• Glassock RJ, Bennett CM: The Dynamic Kidney, Part I. Education film produced by Wexler Film Productions, Los Angeles, sponsored by Eli Lilly & Co, 1977
• Bennett CM, Glassock RJ: The Dynamic Kidney, Part II. Wexler Film Productions, Los Angeles, sponsored by Eli Lilly & Co., 1978
• American College of Physicians Audio-Cassette Program: Update in Nephrology, B8020, 1980
• American College of Physicians Audio-Cassette Program: Update in Nephrology, 1987
Publications _
Over 750 original articles in peer, reviewed Journal, Books, Book chapters, Monographs