Be Inspired by Confessions of a Kidney Transplant Recipient

If you have kidney disease or care about someone who does, visit organ donation/kidney research advocate Mary Wu’s blog, Confessions of a Kidney Transplant Recipient, and be inspired.  In chapters from her unpublished biography, Mary chronicles her battle with kidney disease from childhood to the present day. In the midst of preparing for her trip … Continue reading Be Inspired by Confessions of a Kidney Transplant Recipient

Guest Blogger Mary Wu’s Countdown to the 2012 Rose Parade

The Countdown Grab the calendar. Take out the permanent marker. Let us get ready for “The Countdown.” Yes, you read it right. “The Countdown” to the groundbreaking and extraordinary Rose Bowl Parade held on January 2, 2012 in Pasadena, California has officially begun. **CHEERING** Approximately 24 days from today, The Rose Bowl Parade Donate Life … Continue reading Guest Blogger Mary Wu’s Countdown to the 2012 Rose Parade

Young African Americans More Likely to Die on Dialysis, More Transplants Needed

Researchers at Johns Hopkins have discovered that, contrary to long-held beliefs, not all African American dialysis patients fare as well as their white counterparts. After studying 1.3 million ESRD patients, they found that young African Americans under 50 actually do much worse. The news comes as a surprise because earlier studies had never analyzed outcomes … Continue reading Young African Americans More Likely to Die on Dialysis, More Transplants Needed

UKRO’s Ron Taubman Appointed to OPTN/UNOS Kidney Committee

On July 1, 2011, Ronald S. Taubman, Board Member and Chair of UKRO’s Development Committee was appointed to a two-year term on the OPTN/UNOS Kidney Committee. Ron has been involved in local, state, and national organ and tissue donation and transplant issues for the last 10 years. He previously served as the Region 5 Representative … Continue reading UKRO’s Ron Taubman Appointed to OPTN/UNOS Kidney Committee