Top News for Kidney Health

Lately we’ve been reading some interesting news articles about things we should or shouldn’t do to maintain kidney health.

Researchers from University of Granada in Spain have found that popular high protein diets can increase the long-term risk of developing kidney disease and can contribute to kidney stones. – High Protein Diets, Like the Popular Dr. Dukan Diet, Increase the Risk of Developing Kidney Disease in Rats

Maintaining healthy blood pressure is so important when it comes to caring for your kidneys. Scientists at the Universities of Southampton and Edinburgh have discovered that exposing the skin to sunlight lowers blood pressure by altering the levels of nitric oxide in the skin and blood. – Here Comes The Sun to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Wayne State University scientists have shown that tocotrienols in Vitamin E improved lipid profiles in hemodialysis patients, reducing triglycerides and increasing good cholesterol. More studies are needed, but the initial research is promising. – Wayne State Discovers Potential Treatment for Better Heart Health in Hemodialysis Patients

You might want to stand up while you read this. Kansas State University researchers have found that people who sit less and get moving more often have a lower risk of chronic disease, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Previous studies have already shown that prolonged sitting is linked to an increased risk of kidney disease, particularly in women. – Take a Stand and Be Active to Reduce Chronic Disease, Make Aging Easier