
Mystery Kidney Disease in Nicaragua Linked to Occupational Factors

Researchers from Boston University School of Public Health are a little closer to unraveling the mystery behind a chronic kidney disease epidemic that has been affecting young, male agricultural workers in Central America for many years, perhaps decades.  Since 2009, this research team has sought the cause of CKDu (chronic kidney disease of unknown origin), … Continue reading Mystery Kidney Disease in Nicaragua Linked to Occupational Factors

High Acid Diet Linked to Increased Risk of Kidney Failure for CKD Patients

A research team from UC San Francisco, Texas A&M, and other institutions has linked a high acid diet rich in meat to an increased risk of kidney failure for CKD patients. A study of 1,486 adults with CKD revealed that patients with high acid diets were three times more likely to develop ESRD than those … Continue reading High Acid Diet Linked to Increased Risk of Kidney Failure for CKD Patients

Gut Bacteria Byproduct Linked to Chronic Kidney Disease

Researchers from Cleveland Clinic have discovered an important connection between the gut bacteria byproduct, TMAO, and chronic kidney disease. TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide) is produced when we digest choline and carnitine, found in animal sources—dairy, egg yolks, red meat, and liver. The researchers studied subjects with and without chronic kidney disease and found a link between … Continue reading Gut Bacteria Byproduct Linked to Chronic Kidney Disease

Vascular Calcification May Explain Link Between Kidney Stones and Heart Disease

New research suggests that blood vessel calcification may explain the link between kidney stones and heart disease. Vascular calcification is common in chronic kidney disease patients and puts them at high risk of cardiovascular death. Researchers led by Linda Shavit, M.D. of University College London Medical School and Israel’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center, used CT … Continue reading Vascular Calcification May Explain Link Between Kidney Stones and Heart Disease

Biomarkers Linked to Long-Term Kidney Damage, Death in AKI Patients

An international research team led by University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has linked high levels of TIMP2 and IGFBP7, two biomarkers for acute kidney injury (AKI), to long-term kidney damage, the risk of needing dialysis or a transplant, and death in patients in the early stages of the disease. The discovery could help physicians identify … Continue reading Biomarkers Linked to Long-Term Kidney Damage, Death in AKI Patients

Dr. Janos Peti-Peterdi Recommended for American Society for Clinical Investigation Membership

We are happy to announce that Janos Peti-Peterdi, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, and Medicine at the Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California has been recommended for membership by the council of the American Society for Clinical Investigation for his pioneering research on kidney … Continue reading Dr. Janos Peti-Peterdi Recommended for American Society for Clinical Investigation Membership