
Smoking and Secondhand Smoke May Affect Teen Kidney Function

A new study from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins Children’s Center researchers reveals that smoking and secondhand smoke could harm kidney function in adolescents. The scientists measured blood levels of creatinine, a waste product in the body, and cotinine, a chemical found in tobacco, in a group of 7,516 American … Continue reading Smoking and Secondhand Smoke May Affect Teen Kidney Function

Being Overweight in Early Adulthood Linked to Kidney Disease

In a retrospective study, researchers in the UK have made a direct link between being overweight in early adulthood and the risk of developing chronic kidney disease later in life. Tracking body mass index and other data from subjects at different stages in their lives, they found that individuals who were overweight at ages 26 … Continue reading Being Overweight in Early Adulthood Linked to Kidney Disease

Faulty Gene Regulation Triggers the Kidney Disease FSGS

Researchers from the Clinical Institute of Pathology at MediUni Vienna have discovered a new cause for the kidney disease, FSGS. About half of FSGS cases can be explained by genetic causes or a circulatory factor in the blood, but until now, scientists have been unable to uncover the cause for the remaining 50% of cases. … Continue reading Faulty Gene Regulation Triggers the Kidney Disease FSGS

Ventura County TRIO Chapter Hosts Talk on Improving Blood Pressure

Transplant Recipients International Organization (TRIO) Ventury County West Valley Chapter is hosting a free seminar open to all transplant recipients/candidates, dialysis patients waiting for a transplant, medical professionals and family members on Saturday, March 16, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m at the Calabasas Tennis and Swim Center located at 23400 Park Sorrento in … Continue reading Ventura County TRIO Chapter Hosts Talk on Improving Blood Pressure

UKRO and Rep Schiff Discuss Protecting NIH Funding from Sequestration Cuts

Yesterday UKRO President, Ken Kleinberg, Vito Campese, M.D., Chief of Nephrology of the Keck School of Medicine of USC, and kidney researcher Alicia McDonough, Ph.D., met with Representative Adam Schiff to ask for his help in preventing sequestration cuts that would severely limit NIH funding for research. Speaking on behalf of UKRO and the USC/UKRO … Continue reading UKRO and Rep Schiff Discuss Protecting NIH Funding from Sequestration Cuts

Hemodiafiltration Could Cut Mortality Risk for Kidney Patients by 30%

A retrospective study conducted by University of Barcelona researchers suggests that on-line hemodiafiltration (OL-HDF) cuts mortality risk for kidney patients by 30%, compared to conventional hemodialysis. With OL-HDF, more water and toxins are removed from the blood. Though two previous randomized trials had found no benefit with OL-HDF, the scientists noted that the earlier studies … Continue reading Hemodiafiltration Could Cut Mortality Risk for Kidney Patients by 30%