Older Living Kidney Donors in the News

Recent stories about older living kidney donors, including some with medical issues, are truly inspiring and encouraging given the organ shortage. In an interesting article, Stephen Textor, M.D., Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic, describes his experience with donors with moderate essential hypertension, who would normally be excluded from donating. – Medical Abnormalities Need Not Exclude Middle-Aged Kidney Donors

In this amazing story, a 59-year-old man who once suffered from diabetes, was tested and cleared to donate a kidney to his brother. The two turned out to be identical twins, so there is no need for a lifetime of immunosuppressant drugs. – Diabetic Brothers Complete Triathlon

A 66-year-old-donor participates in a new robot-assisted transplant operation in this video report. – Robot Assists AGH Surgeon During Kidney Transplant

And here is a wonderful story about a healthy donor in her 60’s. – Tampa Nuns Say It’s a Miracle Kidney Donation Fit




2 thoughts on “Older Living Kidney Donors in the News

  1. I donated a kidney (non-directed) when 58 years old. I did not have any illness that could have impacted the kidney at some stage but I did have thyroid problems. The oldest non-directed donor in the UK was 82 years old – a very fit and healthy man.

  2. That’s wonderful. I love hearing stories like this. The human body is so resilient and amazing.

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