
Diary of a Kidney Lover, August 20, 2010

DIARY OF A KIDNEY LOVER This was meant to be a quick entry to share the trends – some alarming, some inspiring – I’ve been noticing lately.  Somehow it grew.  First of all, kidney disease is a worldwide problem.  It’s getting a lot of press these days, particularly in Australia, where the number of people … Continue reading Diary of a Kidney Lover, August 20, 2010

Diary of a Kidney Lover, August 10, 2010

DIARY OF A KIDNEY LOVER This is the diary entry I didn’t want to write because I have to tell you that my Uncle Bob passed away a few weeks ago.  I have been thinking about this a lot, trying to figure out how to start this blog, how to include all the things I … Continue reading Diary of a Kidney Lover, August 10, 2010

Diary of a Kidney Lover, June 23, 2010

DIARY OF A KIDNEY LOVER At a party some Sundays ago, a man I’d just met said to me, “You must love kidneys.”  No, I wasn’t slurping them up with fava beans and a nice Chianti.  (I’m a vegetarian, for the record.)  He was referring to my work – the hours I divide between UKRO … Continue reading Diary of a Kidney Lover, June 23, 2010

Kidney Stones on the Rise in South Carolina Children

From Reuters April 15, 2010 A new study shows that kidney stones are on the rise in children from South Carolina, most likely due to obesity, too much salt in the diet and not enough milk. It’s an alarming trend, but one that can hopefully be reversed with dietary measures, including drinking more water to … Continue reading Kidney Stones on the Rise in South Carolina Children