Kids with Type 2 Diabetes May Be at Greater Risk of Early Kidney Damage

Diabetes is on the rise in American children and teens. Recent studies from University of Colorado School of Public Health have uncovered a disturbing link between Type 2 diabetes in kids and the risk of early kidney damage. Our infographic below highlights the facts uncovered by the studies. Source: Diabetes Rising Rapidly Among U.S. Kids, … Continue reading Kids with Type 2 Diabetes May Be at Greater Risk of Early Kidney Damage

Researchers Find Brain Pathway That Regulates Renal Excretion of Sodium

Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine have identified a link between the G alpha i-2 sub-unit protein pathway in the brain and renal excretion of sodium. They found that changes in salt intake affected changes in G alpha i-2 sub-unit protein levels and were able to prove that the protein pathway plays an important … Continue reading Researchers Find Brain Pathway That Regulates Renal Excretion of Sodium

Kidney Cell Transplants May One Day Be Used to Treat Renal Failure

Researchers from Indiana University School of Medicine have shown that renal stem cell transplants may have the potential to repair damaged kidneys. In the study using rats with acute kidney injury and CKD, the scientists reprogrammed adult kidney cells to express the SAA gene, thus producing the SAA protein, which is essential to early kidney … Continue reading Kidney Cell Transplants May One Day Be Used to Treat Renal Failure

Renal Denervation Lowers Blood Pressure for Patients with Moderate to Severe CKD

A team of researchers from Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Australia have shown that renal denervation, a new investigational technique to curb hard-to-treat blood pressure is safe in the short term for hypertensive patients with stage 3 to 4 CKD. Renal denervation uses radio frequency waves to deaden certain overactive sympathetic nerves in … Continue reading Renal Denervation Lowers Blood Pressure for Patients with Moderate to Severe CKD

New Equation to Predict Risk of Death & ESRD for Patients with Impaired Kidney Function

In a study comparing equations that assess glomerular filtration rate and the risk of mortality and ESRD, a team of researchers have found that a newer equation, CKD-EPI, may prove more beneficial than the current standard, MDRD.  Data from 1.1 million adults from 40 countries showed that CKD-EPI more accurately predicted risk of death and … Continue reading New Equation to Predict Risk of Death & ESRD for Patients with Impaired Kidney Function

ACE2 Molecule May Protect Against Diabetic Complications Including Kidney Damage

A team of researchers from University of Alberta and University of Florida have shown that angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 or ACE2 can protect against diabetic complications, specifically heart damage, in diabetic mice. Their previous research demonstrated that ACE2 protects the kidneys as well. ACE2 protects by breaking down Angiotensin II, a hormone which contributes to high blood … Continue reading ACE2 Molecule May Protect Against Diabetic Complications Including Kidney Damage