
Podocyte-Associated Talin1 Critical for Glomerular Filtration Barrier Maintenance

Researchers from Yale University School of Medicine and University of Miami have discovered that the protein talin1 is critical to the development and maintenance of podocytes, which make up the kidney filtration barrier. They found that talin1 links integrins (the receptors that keep podocytes tightly bound to the glomerular basement membrane) to the protein actin, … Continue reading Podocyte-Associated Talin1 Critical for Glomerular Filtration Barrier Maintenance

AAKP Honors Richard Glassock, M.D. with Medal of Excellence Award

We are thrilled to announce that the American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP) has awarded their highest honor, the Medal of Excellence Award, to Dr. Richard Glassock, a legend in the field of nephrology and a truly deserving honoree. We feel very fortunate to have the benefit of his vast experience, insight, and active involvement on … Continue reading AAKP Honors Richard Glassock, M.D. with Medal of Excellence Award

Top News for Kidney Health

Lately we’ve been reading some interesting news articles about things we should or shouldn’t do to maintain kidney health. Researchers from University of Granada in Spain have found that popular high protein diets can increase the long-term risk of developing kidney disease and can contribute to kidney stones. – High Protein Diets, Like the Popular … Continue reading Top News for Kidney Health

Update: Proposed CMS Regulation on Transplant Medications Shelved

We are happy to update this post and report that CMS (The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) has pulled back on controversial Medicare drug benefit proposals. CMS was proposing severe limitations for transplant medications covered under Medicare Part D. This could have jeopardized the health and lives of transplant patients who depend on these drugs. … Continue reading Update: Proposed CMS Regulation on Transplant Medications Shelved

Targeting Parietal Epithelial Cells to Treat Kidney Disease

Researchers from RWTH Aachen University in Germany have made a surprising discovery about parietal epithelial cells, kidney progenitor cells that continue to multiply throughout the life cycle. The scientists set out to prove that these cells could help generate new podocytes, which make up the kidney’s filtration barrier and are damaged in many types of … Continue reading Targeting Parietal Epithelial Cells to Treat Kidney Disease

Researchers Generate Kidney Tubular Cells from Stem Cells

Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital have developed a chemical formula that prompts human induced pluripotent stem cells to turn on genes in the same order that they would turn on in naturally developing kidneys. Starting with human cells from the skin, the scientists were able to use this special formula to generate early kidney … Continue reading Researchers Generate Kidney Tubular Cells from Stem Cells